Home State CourtState's Solicitor

State's Solicitor

Misdemeanor crimes consist of any crime punishable by a maximum of one year in jail or less. The Solicitor's Office prosecuted approximately 10,000 misdemeanor crimes in 2013. Misdemeanors include crimes against persons, for example; domestic violence, battery, simple battery, simple assault, and stalking. Misdemeanors may also include property crimes, for example; criminal trespass, criminal damage to property (less than $1500), theft by taking (less than $1500) and theft by shoplifting (less than $500). Traffic violations bound over from Recorder's or Municipal Courts for jury trials may also be prosecuted in State Court, including, but not limited to; driving under the influence, reckless driving, fleeing and attempting to elude, hit and run, and any other moving, tag, or license violations.

In addition, the Solicitor's Office operates a State certified Crime Victim Assistance Program (VAP). Our VAP goals are to provide the highest quality services to crime victims, ensuring that they are informed of their rights under the Crime Victim's Bill of Rights, assisting victims with obtaining Temporary Protective Orders, advising victims of resources available for other assistance, and assisting with victim compensation for injuries and expenses caused as the result of a crime. Our VAP program also operates several community education programs, including:

  • A Teen Victim Impact Panel (TVIP) to educate teen drivers of the potentially fatal consequences of dangerous driving. Two websites dedicated to helping teen drivers to become responsible and safer drivers are and
  • Hands Are Not For Hitting,, an interactive puppet show presented in partnership with the Gwinnett Retired Educators Association to teach young children non-violent conflict resolution skills.
  • A comprehensive Resource Guide for crime victims including safety planning and lethality assessments. To view brochure, please click HERE.


Solicitor's Contacts

Lisamarie N Bristol
Phone: (770) 822-8300


Leah Hightower
Chief Assistant Solicitor
Phone: (770) 822-8300


Katina Patterson
Executive Assistant
Phone: (770) 822-8328


Tiffany Britt
Office Manager
Phone: (770) 822-8355


Daphne Tarver
Chief Investigator
Phone: (770) 822-8338


Jeffery Smith
Director of Operations
Phone: (404) 619-6133


Heather Brooks
Director of Victim Services
Phone: (770) 822-8325


Farheen Ahmed
Director of Records
Phone: (770) 822-8364


Rachel Sinclair
Senior Supervising Attorney (Trial Line)
Phone: (770) 822-8326


Un Burns
Senior Supervising Attorney
Phone: (770) 822-7516


Kylene Armond
Senior Supervising Attorney (Recorder's Court)
Phone: (404) 619-6134


Alex Warner
IT Specialist
Phone: (770) 822-8593