Advanced Co-Parenting Workshop

Phone: 404-592-1257
Advanced Co-Parenting Workshop: The Advanced Issues in Co-Parenting Workshop is a four-hour educational workshop designed to be a small-group experience, so that participants can get customized help with their co-parent issues, as well as assistance with parenting their children through difficult family circumstances. Participants not only learn about the damage to children that results from continued litigation and co-parent conflict, but they will acquire tools and skills to minimize the conflict on their end in order to protect the children. They will also learn about the dangers of parental marginalization and alienation, as well as the problems with treating children as adults instead of allowing them to simply be kids. Parties are not permitted to view the workshop with the other parent. Children should not view the workshop. Pre-registration is required.
Below are comments collected from exit surveys of attendees:
- "I really enjoyed this class and look forward to putting some of my newly learned concepts and understanding into good use!"
- "Great class liked that it was small so the discussion could be tweaked to our unique circumstances."
- "I like the information and I did find it helpful. … Even if my co-parent doesn't comply with some basic rules I've noticed a change in how I manage my responses to him in a much calmer manner. I'm not sure I could have done this without the class and the book for reference."
- "I found the information to be very helpful especially with small group session. It helped to hear the guys point of view. The most valuable lesson I learned was sometimes your child just wants you to listen; they don't always want you to fix it."
- "It helped me."
Program Content
The primary goal of the workshop for participants, who have returned to court for modifications, is to specifically address the issues that they might be experiencing. The ultimate goal is to reduce the emotional anguish inflicted on children by helping their parents decrease anger and tension. The Advanced Issues in Co-Parenting workshop is designed to be smaller and more interactive than the basic lecture class. The selected cases for the workshop will be skills-based education to empower those parents to learn to communicate in a more positive and productive manner. The course content includes:
- Putting the co-parent relationship in a healthy perspective
- Setting appropriate boundaries in the post-divorce family
- Understanding how co-parent conflict affects children
- Responding to parental marginalization and alienation
- Structuring communication to minimize conflict
Workshop Dates and Times

All workshops will be offered virtually. The workshops begin promptly at the times scheduled. Participants will not be allowed to sign on late, they will be required to reschedule. The dates and times are provided at the website below.
Registration must be received prior to the day of the workshop. Link requiring $100.00 payment will be sent prior to the workshop. No refunds will be given.
- Register Online
- Questions regarding registration may be directed to or 404-592-1257
Please sign in 30 minutes early for the workshop to ensure connection and address any technical needs. For technical assistance to log on, or during the seminar, go to and click on the chat icon for live help.
Each workshop is conducted by a male/female team of masters level professionals trained in mental health services.
A fee of $100.00 per person is required and is used to cover all costs of the program including the presenter's fees, workbooks, applications, and program administration. Payment is accepted online in the form of credit card or debit card. A fee waiver is available for parties having filed under a pauper's affidavit, carrying a current Medicare/Medicaid card, or falling under the indigent guidelines as set by the state. If you believe you qualify, provide a copy of your pauper's affidavit, Medicare/Medicaid card or email for a fee waiver application. No Refunds Available. You must provide a civil action number or proof of residency in Gwinnett County.
Certificates will be issued at the conclusion of the four-hour session, which the parties are responsible for filing in the appropriate county.