
Document purchasing available for Superior, State, and Magistrate Courts:

Gwinnett Courts Portal

Superior Court, State Court, Magistrate Court, and Probate Court Estate cases:
Gwinnett Courts Portal

Recorder's Court

Recorder's Court Cases


E-filing is mandatory for all state and superior civil cases, and optional for magistrate cases and existing state and superior criminal cases:

Tyler’s Odyssey eFileGA™

Gwinnett County Clerk of Superior Court Tiana Garner announces that effective January 1, 2025, House Bill 1292 requires that real estate documents presented by self-filers, anyone who is a party to an instrument, be recorded using electronic filing. Additionally, all individuals submitting documents for electronic filing will be required to upload their government-issued ID. The ID will be verified before the filer is allowed to proceed with the filing. [O.C.G.A. § 44-2-39(b)(1)]. Read more

New Notary Requirements Effective January 1, 2025. With the adoption of House Bill 1292, Georgia’s notaries public will be required to complete an educational training course as part of the application process. The educational requirement applies to all notary applicants, whether it is a new or a renewal application. Additionally, notaries will be required to maintain a journal of their notarial acts performed at the request of a self-filer. Read more

Judge Opening

Gwinnett County Juvenile Court Judge Position Announcement ...


Juvenile Court Judge Position Announcement

The Judges of the Superior Court of Gwinnett County are accepting applications for a full-time position as a Gwinnett County Juvenile Court Judge. This appointment will be for a four-year term, commencing on or about July 8, 2025.

To be considered, applicants must:
* hold a law degree;
* be at least 30 years of age;
* have been a citizen of the State of Georgia for three (3) years;
* have been a member, in good standing, of the State Bar of Georgia for five (5) years;
* be a resident of Gwinnett County at the time of appointment.

Closing Date: 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 14, 2025. Resumes must be received by this date/time, not postmarked. (Read more ...)

Pro Bono

Every month Gwinnett Pro Bono Project offering free legal help in family law and probate ....


Probate Clinic. 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 1:00 to 4:00pm. Consultations for legal issues related to a will, estate, probate, Conservatorship, guardianship, and advance directives. Registration recommended via: (Reservation)

Legal Aid consultations are available in the Law Library in the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center, every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, with a lunch break from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. The consultations are for 30 mins and are walk-in only, no appointments are accepted at this time. (Read more ...)

Mag Criminal

The Gwinnett County Clerk of Magistrate Court announces the commencement of e-filing for criminal cases ...


Clerk makes eFiling available for
Magistrate Court Criminal Cases

Beginning February 5, 2024, attorneys and self-represented parties will have the option to electronically file into existing Magistrate Court criminal cases via Tyler Technologies' Enterprice Justice eFileGA.


Filing Activity Notification System, FANS, providing Georgia citizens with tools to monitor activity regarding their property and records ...


Filing Activity Notification System (FANS)

Gwinnett County Superior Court Clerk's office in conjunction with the Georgia Superior Court Clerks' Cooperative Authority (GSCCCA) is pleased to offer the Filing Activity Notification System, FANS, providing Georgia citizens with tools to monitor activity regarding their property and records. (Read more ...)


Passport services are available at windows one and two inside the lobby of the Office of the Clerk of Court ...


You must apply in person using Form DS-11 if at least one of the following is true: (Read more ...)

  • You are applying for your first U.S. passport

  • You are under age 16

  • Your previous U.S. passport was issued when you were under age 16

  • Your previous U.S. passport was lost, stolen, or damaged

  • Your previous U.S. passport was issued more than 15 years ago

  • Your name has changed since your U.S. passport was issued and you are unable to legally document your name change.


The Clerk of Superior Court's Office is pleased to announce the new eCertification goes live now ...


What is eCertification?

eCertification is a software used by the Clerk's office to generate tamper-proof and self-validated certified copies of Court Records and Real Estate Recordings. Customers can purchase electronically certified and plain copies of records from the convenience of their home, their smart phone, or anywhere they have internet access 24-7, and upon processing by the Clerk's office, receive them as secured PDFs via email or online at (Read more ...)

DD-214 for Veterans



Veterans Day is an official United States Federal holiday that honors people who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, also known as veterans.

The Gwinnett County Clerk of Superior Court Tiana P. Garner, is asking all veterans of all military branches of service to make sure their DD-214 is recorded at the courthouse. To record your DD Form 214 you will need one of the following:

  1. Copy 4 of DD Form 214; or
  2. Any copy of DD 214 with a raised seal issued by the United States National Personnel Records Center; or
  3. United States National Archives Form 13038.

Garner stated, "I have discovered that many veterans do not know about this service and did not have their DD-214 recorded. Although veterans may have recorded their DD-214 in their home town or in a county or another state far away from Gwinnett, you are encouraged to record them here as well. If your DD-214 has been recorded somewhere else and you are now living in Gwinnett County, simply bring your DD-214 conforming to one of the above three (3) requirements to the Clerk of Superior Court’s Office Deed Room (Read more ...)

Notary Public

New laws affecting Notary Publics. Effective January 1, 2025, ...


O.C.G.A. 45-17-8(g) (2) A notary public shall maintain a written or electronic journal which shall include an entry for each notarial act performed at the request of a self-filer. Each such entry shall include the name of the self-filer; the self-filer's address; the self-filer's telephone number; the date, time, and location of notarization; the type of government issued photo identification document presented by the self-filer, unless the identity of the self-filer was confirmed based on personal knowledge; elements of such identification document, if applicable, including any identifying number; the self-filer's signature; and the type of document presented for notarization.

O.C.G.A. 45-17-8 (h) (1) A notary public shall complete an educational training class relating to the duties of notaries public as provided for in this chapter. Such training shall be completed prior to the initial appointment and within 30 days prior to each subsequent renewal appointment.

The full text of HB 1292


It is the standing order of the Gwinnett County Magistrate Court to accept electronic filings ...


It is the standing order of the Gwinnett County Magistrate Court to accept electronic filings through the Gwinnett County Clerk of Court's Electronic Filing Portal. Electronic filing in Magistrate Court is permitted, but not mandatory. All electronic filings shall be filed, signed and served in the form and manner set forth in O.C.G.A. 15-10-53.

Read more

Map & Plat

All filing fees for maps and plats shall be paid through the...


Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 15-6-67(b) requires that all plats and condominium plans submitted for filing with the clerk of superior court shall be submitted electronically. The clerk of superior court shall file and record plats and condominium plans relating to real estate in the county when submitted for filing as provided in this Code section and accompanied with any required filing fees or costs set forth in Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 15-6-77.

All filing fees for maps and plats shall be paid through the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority (GSCCCA) efiling portal at the time of submission. All maps and plats reviewed by and/or approved by the Gwinnett County Department of Planning and Development shall not be exempt from this filing fee requirement, and filing fees for all filers will be required at time of submission for recording through For a list of recording fees for maps and plats, please click here.

Language Translator

In looking for ways to break down language barriers, the Gwinnett Judicial Circuit and Clerk of Court have added the Google Translate ...

Google Translate Application

In looking for ways to break down language barriers, the Gwinnett Judicial Circuit and Clerk of Court have added the Google Translate application to the Clerk of Court website. The Google Translate icon is located in the top right hand corner of every page. By clicking on the drop down list, litigants can select the appropriate language and Google Translate will convert the entire webpage into that language.

The goal is to provide basic court information and foster a better understanding of the judicial process through language access before litigants get to court. However, the Gwinnett Judicial Circuit and Clerk of Court cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translations; therefore, litigants should still consult with an attorney for any legal advice and assistance.

Jury Scam

The public should be aware of a scam that is occurring across the nation.


Gwinnett citizens have recently reported receiving phone calls telling them they missed jury duty and threatening a bench warrant. In some cases, the citizen is told to call a number to pay a fine. THIS COMMUNICATION IS A BOGUS NOTICE.

No one affiliated with the Gwinnett Judicial Circuit, the Clerk of Superior Court, or the Sheriff's Office communicates with jurors in this manner. To verify your status as a Gwinnett County juror you may call 770-822-8567. If you believe you received a jury scam call, email, or text message, please report it to the Jury Scam Tip line at 770-619-6655.

Family Violence

Domestic Violence Under Georgia Law, "family violence" is the occurrence of any felony, battery, simple battery, simple assault, assault, stalking

Family Violence Act

Domestic Violence Under Georgia Law, "family violence" is the occurrence of any felony, battery, simple battery, simple assault, assault, stalking, criminal damage to property, unlawful restraint, or criminal trespass between past or present spouses, persons who are parents of the same child, parents and children, stepparents and stepchildren, foster parents and foster children, or other persons living or formerly living in the same household, and does not include reasonable discipline administered by a parent to a child in the form of corporal punishment, restraint, or detention.

Family Violence at Magistrate Court / Superior Court

Pay Tickets

Recorder's Court handles traffic citations that are written by the Gwinnett County Police Department, Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department

Citation information

Recorder's Court handles traffic citations that are written by the Gwinnett County Police Department, Gwinnett County Sheriff's Department, Georgia Department of Driver Services, and the Georgia Department of Transportation.

Pay your citation online at

Pay your citation by phone at 1-877-794-0988

Official court records are maintained by the Clerk of Court for Superior, State, Magistrate, and Juvenile Courts and are available only from the office Monday thru Friday 8:00AM to 5:00PM.

Information on this website is provided as a public service. Court calendars may change or may not be accurate. NO CALENDAR DATE ON THIS WEBSITE IS OFFICIAL.

Monday through Friday - 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Closed on legal holidays. Counter closes for new filings at 4:30 PM for Superior, State, Magistrate, and Juvenile Courts. Deeds and Land Records, Notary Applications, and Probate Court close at 4:30 PM. Passports Facility is open 8:30 to 4:00. Courts and divisions may apply different hours and locations for activities and services. Please check their hours and locations accordingly.

If you have a summons or notice of hearing it should give you the location of the building where you should appear. If you are looking for a specific service then you may want to telephone to ask which building houses the court or department you are looking for at 770-822-8000.